Covers & Flats…
covers are a really cost effective alternative. Covers are really
exactly as the name suggests: Just the cover. There is no white inner
lining (microsuede pocket/sleeve) at all – just the waterproof outer
layer. Covers are designed for use with the absorbent material of your
choice. BiddyKins StayDry inserts, Bamboo terry inserts, Charcoal Bamboo
fleece inserts and Hemp inserts can all be used with waterproof covers.
BiddyKins Covers feature a fold-over flap at either end of the cover
allowing one to tuck the inserts or absorbent layer of your choice under
these flaps – this helps keep the absorbent layer in place.
Some moms have found though that wriggly babies can be difficult to
change using covers, since the loose inserts can shift around as baby
are basically square pieces of fabric that can be folded in different
ways to either completely wrap around the little one (secured using
Snappies®), or they can be pad folded so that they essentially act as
regular inserts and be fitted into covers (or even pockets / All-in2