How to Order...
BiddyKins online store with cart checkout features is still being
Our product catalogues are all available via the website. Simply click on the category to load the current catalogue in Adobe PDF format.
Products are grouped in their respective ranges, so simply send an email to: with the details of what you would like to order.
Eg: 1x A1, 1x B6, 2 x F7 and 10x Bamboo blend inserts.
Courier options are address dependent so please include your exact delivery address, with street code, along with your daytime contact number. Delivery is usually within 1 to 3 business days depending on whether the delivery address is classified as a "Main Centre", or "Outlying" area by the courier company.
Once we have all the necessary details we will complete an Invoice and email it back to you. The invoice will include all banking details.
Order checklist:
Your name
What you would like to order using codes from the relevant product catalogue
Exact Delivery Address with Street Code
Cell Phone Number (required by courier companies)