" Your guide to modern cloth nappies"


Trial packs certainly are a useful option for moms just starting out on their cloth journey, that way you can purchase a few of each different kind, use them and assess what works best for you and your baby, before investing in specific types of cloth nappies. Fortunately there is a growing market for second-hand cloth nappies, so you should easily be able to get your unwanted nappies sold.

Of course we are often asked what our nappy stash consisted of ...

Bearing in mind that everyone has slightly different requirements and routines are slightly different, even the fact that we are based in humid durban means that we place a strong emphasis on nappies drying quickly and the use of tumble driers -which doesn't really apply in-land ....

Our stash consists mainly of pocket nappies... In our view, they're affordable, easy to use, easy to adjust and just get the job done! We also have some sleeve nappies - with dad's hands being a bit bigger he finds those the easiest to 'stuff'....We also love our All-in-one's which compliment our pocket stash ... nothing beats grabbing a couple of complete nappies off the shelf when you're in  rush...

Importantly, bear in mind that what works during the day, may not be the best option for your baby at night, as changes are less frequent – you certainly don’t want to wake baby every two hours to change a nappy!

Pocket nappies with a microfibre plus a bamboo insert, or two bamboo inserts, may work well in the beginning whilst the little still wakes up frequently ... swapping the bamboo inserts for hemp also strethes how long the nappy will last...Once the little one starts sleeping longer hours, not much matches the BiddyKins hemp fitted nappy with a cover...


Q: How many nappies do I need?   

Well that definitely depends on whether you plan on using cloth nappies part time or full time. For full time use we recommend about 25 nappies plus 3 to 4 hemp fitted night nappies. This gives you enough to use and wash every 2-3 days.